Well, it’s almost July and summer has arrived! The weather is great, skies are blue and the sun is shining. The seasons have changed and so has the way our body adapts to the outward environment. You are probably sweating more, feeling a bit more fatigued and dehydrated and your skin may be getting a bit more acne and allergy-prone. To combat these changes in the environment, it is essential that you take care of your body. But don’t worry, it’s easy! Simply switching your body’s fuel will make a drastic difference. So here you go- 5 foods to include in your summer diet!

The awesome part about summer is that it is the season for watermelons! And rightfully so. Watermelons are our superheroes for the summer. They have a high water content which keep you hydrated and fresh. Even your mind benefits- you will have lesser headaches and will feel less tired and moody. In addition, they contain vitamin A and C which help improve the body’s natural defense. Along with this, watermelons also contain lycopenes which are known to protect the skin from sun damage. Amazing right?
Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and limes can be a treat to your body in the summer. Not only are these fruits rich in flavors, they too have a hydrating effect on your body. Along with this, they are rich in Vitamin C which has an anti-inflammatory effect too. The potassium in these fruits also provide you energy to keep those muscle cramps away.

Yogurt is another amazing food for the summer. It has cooling effects on the body and helps maintain metabolism. Along with this, yogurt also contain probiotics. Probiotics are bacteria which keep your digestive system well- regulated. In addition, yogurt provides protein, calcium and several other important minerals. So it’s definitely a good idea to have some cups of yogurt in your fridge to pop into your bag when you go out in the summer.

Be it strawberries, blackberries, blueberries or raspberries, berries are miracle fruits- especially in the summer. They are high in vitamin C and flavonoids which help combat different diseases. Flavonoids also increase blood flow to the skin. In addition, they also decrease the skin’s sensitivity to light and also improve skin texture. In the summer, that is ideal.
Green Tea

Drinking water is vital and everyone knows it. But why not change it up a little bit and drink green tea too? It has the same hydrating effects as water, along with added benefits of plenty of antioxidants. Furthermore, studies have shown that green tea can help prevent heart diseases and cancers by lowering cholesterol levels. It also helps combat the body against neurodegenerative conditions such as Dementia. Atop all this, drinking green tea is a great way to keep your metabolism in check. And if the only thing stopping you from drinking green tea is that it is hot and you don’t want to drink it in the summer… well there’s a solution. Add some ice to your cup of green tea. This will ensure a soothing feel when drinking and doesn’t even strip off the nutritional benefits of green tea.
So now that you know the benefits of these amazing foods, why not include them in your diet as soon as possible?