
Eagle Pose (Yoga): The Natural Viagra

Eagle Pose is a very powerful pose compared to others. There are numerous amazing benefits.

Health Benefits of Doing Eagle Pose

  • One of the key benefits of performing Eagle pose is that it boosts blood circulation in the body.
  • The increased blood circulation will obviously increase your immunity power.
  • It will enhance your ability to focus.
  • You will gain more control and balance over your body.
  • It will also enhance your digestion.
  • It is a sort of simple but effective workout for your thighs, upper back, and shoulders as it stretches and makes them stronger.
  • It also makes your arms, legs, knees as well as your ankles stronger.
  • It provides fresh blood to the kidneys and sexual organs thereby increasing sexual energy as well as gaining more control over it.
  • It also helps eliminate prostate problems.

How To Do the Eagle Pose?

Note: You can do this pose for up to 6 minutes i.e. 3 minutes each on both legs. Beyond that is not recommended as doing it longer will have negative effects on your body. 


Written by Joel S. Elkins

Rory Feek

Elsie Hewitt