
How to take care of the Elderly in the winter? What to feed?

The winter season is often uncomfortable for everyone. For the elderly, this season can be very cumbersome. Winter can soon have a negative impact on their health. If you have heart and respiratory illnesses, then this weather can make things even more complicated

More than 3,000 elderly people die each year due to the cold. Half of those deaths are related to about 3,000 cardiovascular diseases and 3,000 to respiratory ailments.

In the old age, there is a decrease in the resistance of the body, such as a decrease in the activity of the body naturally, a weakening of the body, a lack of interest in the food and the inability of the food to be used properly. Due to this, there is a high likelihood of infection soon in winter.

In addition, heart disease and respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, emphysema make matters worse.

By avoiding the cold, getting warm clothes, proper living arrangements and focusing on daily food can help to avoid such problems. About 90 percent of a person’s health depends on the food he eats.

Healthy and nutritious foods alleviate a variety of diseases seen in old age, such as cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, constipation, obesity, tooth decay, nausea, etc. Proper dietary selection and proper eating habits help keep the body healthy and warm.

In addition to other conditions, during the winter, daily meal arrangements should be made from the same food groups. The plan should take into account the daily calories, protein, minerals, vitamin requirements, the physical condition of the person.

Generally, because of decreased physical activity in old age, the person’s basal metabolism rate (BMR) is lower but in winter, BMR is higher than in other seasons this time requires some extra calories. The daily amount of body weight should be lowered or increased according to the weight of the body. Although reducing the amount of calories in old age, protein is needed as much as an adult.

In this case, one kilogram of protein is needed for a kilogram of body weight for a man, while for women, 1.5 grams of protein is required. Particular attention must be paid to protein requirements in this case. On the one hand, they are less interested in food and unable to digest well, and on the other, because of muscle weakness, the selection of quality protein-rich foods should be included in the diet.

In this case, most of the minerals like calcium, iron is not well absorbed, bone loss is weak, muscle weakness, osteomalacia, and anemia are problems. In addition, in winter, the body temperature may lose consciousness and fall apart. Daily food should include plenty of calcium and iron.

In this case, daily calcium intake is 0.8 to 5 grams and iron should be 30 to 40 milligrams. Likewise, vitamins should also be taken into account in daily diet to prevent infections in the body and support the function of other nutrients. Particularly A, B, B1, C and D vitamins need to be supplemented with food.

Problems such as constipation and irrigation can aggravate old age. In this age, a person who is not thirsty does not drink water until it is thirsty, and in the winter season usually drinks only a small amount of water. Likewise, since the food is difficult to digest and digest, the daily diet also includes reduced fiber content. To alleviate these problems, food should include nutritious, hot-baked foods, and light-digested fiber. In addition, they should emphasize drinking as much water as possible.

Something to note

In the old age, the whole system of the body changes so much that they suffer from some disease. In winter, their situation maybe even worse. Therefore, in order to avoid the cold and stay healthy, there are other things you need to focus on in a nutritious and warm diet daily. In addition, the following should be noted.

– When planning a daily diet, you should choose foods that are from a nutritious diet.

– The selection of foods according to the season and the elderly should be able to taste and digest the food.

– In this case, it is best not to eat fast and because the food is cold, it is best to give a few but frequently.

– Since the protein elements are not well absorbed in the body, the quantity and quality of these elements should be taken into consideration.

– Proper selection of food for the elderly and the proper cooking methods should be followed. Because most teeth and gums are weak, they prefer soft foods.

– Due to poor temperature, poor body temperature, loss of consciousness, lack of concentration, shortness of breath, poor pulse, and even proper death, proper nutritional and hot food regimes and proper consultation with the concerned physician.

– Drink plenty of warm nutrients. As you have your own eating habits and habits until this age, reminders should change to negative habits.

– Daily food should include plenty of milk, fish, meat, eggs, green herbs, fresh fruits.

– Fruits, juices, soups containing vitamin ‘C’ should be included at least once in a daily diet.

– Some foods may not be eaten at will or may be difficult to eat due to desire. Which sometimes causes the elderly to be deprived of nutritious food. In such cases, special attention should be given to such things as finely chopping and mixing with other foods.

– If interest in food is low, then it is best to taste and taste deliciously decorated as much as possible.

– If possible, it is best to give milk, soup, juice in the middle of the main food. Also, warm milk can be given before bedtime. If kept in the thermos, whether it is a hot water or even hot water, the elderly themselves may drink from time to time.

We have provided some relevant information

Why do Knee Ligament Tear? Symptoms And How Can We Heal At Home?

The knee is one of the most important joints in the human body. While walking, running, playing soccer-volleyball, hitting the floor, sitting on the floor and kneeling, the knee moves more. So if there is a problem or pain in the knee then our daily routine is affected.

Why do Ligament Tear?

Knee Ligament Tearing is a natural process. Which is accelerated for various reasons. It is one of the major causes of aging, but young people are also suffering from this problem.

Ligament Tearing is a hereditary problem in some. In the same way, knee injuries can occur if you are injured, if you do a lot of physical work and your body weight is too high.

The disease usually appears after the age of 3 years. The disease is more common in women than in men.

Many people have knee pain and difficulty breathing in old age. There are several reasons.

1. Bad posture

Many problems arise on the knee even when the way of living is not right. In particular, prolonged exposure to the same position and flexion also affects the knee muscle. It causes knee pain and numbness. Having such a problem for a long time can damage the knee.

2. Lifting a lot of weight

Lifting too much weight can also weaken the knee. In particular, lifting weights beyond your capacity puts the overall weight on your knees. And, knee numbness, pain, and tingling occur.

The purpose of the grip is that the elderly use the bandage, not to affect the bone due to weight. Technically very helpful, gourmet.

3. Exercise more than needed

Physical workout can affect the knee even when it is more or less than required. Likewise, knee movements often result in knee problems due to short workouts and walking.

In particular, the lower back workout causes the knee muscle to relax. And, there are problems with stretching and pain. The more the knee is used, the more a chemical is produced. This chemical helps to strengthen the muscles of the knees.

4. Obesity

Timely control is necessary if sudden obesity increases. Otherwise, the whole body load falls to the knees. And, knee pain can cause problems.

5. Use of High Hill

High Hill is popular among women. Prolonged use of high heel shoes will degrade body style. They negatively affect the feet and knees. And, causes knee pain problems.


Poor eating, lack of nutritious food, bruising or bone fractures and bone-related diseases can also lead to knees.

It hurts a lot when kneeling. Knee pain is a major symptom of this.

  • Knee starts bending
  • Listening to the feet
  • The joints are hard
  • Knee pain
  • Can’t get up after sitting down
  • Problem with sliding-down and sliding

Here are ways to eliminate knee problems

1. Milk and garlic

When you have knee pain, boil three glasses of garlic in a glass of milk daily. Drinking it relieves pain.

2. Walnut

The walnut is very good and it relieves all kinds of pains in the body. Knee problems disappear when eating in an empty stomach daily.

3. Raw coconut

Coconut is delicious as well as beneficial for health. Eating raw coconut every morning relieves pain. Even in old age, problems do not suffer.

4. Exercise

Apart from paying special attention to food, daily exercise is also essential. Make sure you have a gentle posture for 5 minutes a day. During knee pain, no one should shake hands.

Even if we do some common practice at home, how to do it at home?

  • Make it a habit to exercise regularly – such as exercising joints, general walking, etc.
  • Do not slip or slip.
  • Weight loss or control.
  • Bake with hot water bag, but if it is heard, then lightly massage with ice for 2-3 minutes.
  • Do not go up and down the ladder many times.
  • Use Knee support.

Along with this, physical exercises can be done.

  • Adhesion to the wall and keep the legs long, tightening the thigh meat – one to three to five times.
  • Holding the handkerchief under the knee, lifting the pelvis – one to three to five times.
  • Fold the back straight up to the chair, raising your legs straight up – 1 to 5 times.
  • Position the handkerchief between your two knees – doing one to three to five times.
  • Keep your legs straight, with both hands trying to touch the toes of the feet – one to three to five times.

Written by Joel S. Elkins


Bunny Ayumi