Many people would agree if someone said that Ivanka Trump is the definition of perfection. Talent, business, fame, money – She’s got it all. Being on the public eye becomes a part of life with such a reputation of the first daughter. Due to this, President Trump’s daughter always looks flawless and picture perfect.
Her charming beauty and stunning fitness despite being a mother and a hard-working businesswoman, often raises questions in people’s mind, how does she stay in such a good shape?

Ivanka Trump’s makeup artist Alexa Rodulfo says,
“She does her own day-to-day makeup and hair. She is someone who eats nutritious foods, exercises regularly, doesn’t smoke and protects her skin.”
Alexa also revealed that Ivanka’s natural beauty trick is that she likes to drink hot water with lemon. Even with such minimal routine, Ivanka manages to maintain her fitness and beauty regime. Well, her record of health issues is clean as it could be. At least clean enough that she doesn’t require plastic surgery “at the age of 37”! Astounding right? Is her healthy lifestyle one of those Government secrets?
Knows her way around the formula of achieving a “balanced lifestyle” – Work and Family
Ivanka is working in the White House now as an advisor for POTUS on topics like job creation and economic development. For an entrepreneur and a White House insider, she seems to prioritize the nourishment of her family by making time for them too. Question is, how on earth does she do this?

Ivanka follows a simple yet unerring routine for self-care
Ivanka said in an interview with Fit Pregnancy,
“Every morning I’ll have either cottage cheese or Greek yogurt — I do full fat; I prefer the taste — with a bowl of blueberries or raspberries and cereal.”
So, clearly, she’s not someone who would just skip her breakfast and rush to work. She even posts some of her diets and favorite meals on her Instagram if you had no idea. In one of such interviews, she revealed that she and Jared Kushner, her husband, are out on dinner quite often for either business or pleasure.
Her husband isn’t the only love of her life. She also loves cardio and meditation
Well carving some time out for her family doesn’t seem challenging for someone who wakes up at 5:30 in the morning to work out and meditate. Ivanka Trump also said that she incorporates cardio into her workout routine. Blend cardio with a low-carb diet and lean protein, apparently you could too achieve a fitness level close to that of Ivanka’s, if not the same.
She said,
“I tried a juice cleanse, and it was a total disaster. For the eight hours that I lasted, I felt like I was on the brink of starvation.”
Ivanka doesn’t believe in juice cleanses and instead prioritizes healthy and filling foods such as chicken, salad, vegetable soup. The first daughter’s morning begins with a glass of lemon water which according to Ashley Koff (Dietitian) brings nutrients into the cell and removes waste products from the body.

Who would’ve thought, with such reputation and exhaustively busy life one would be able to not attain but maintain their quality of life.
She, indeed, is a role model for everyone and an inspiring idol of fitness and a healthy lifestyle.